Giorgio Tricarico

psychologist, psychotherapist, Jungian analyst


  • the process of Individuation in post-modernity

  • the therapeutic factors in analysis and therapy

  • the radical critique of the society of technology (Günther Anders, Emanuele Severino) and of capitalism and neo-liberalism (Noam Chomsky)

  • feminist movements, black feminism, decolonial feminism as elements of collective Individuation

  • independent researcher on porn, on ethical nonmonogamy (ENM), and on polyamory



-Symbol formation and the transcendent function. Two days seminar for the FEGAP Jungian training; 15th-16th February, Tallinn (EE)

- Contemporary Voices on Individuation. Book launch @ FEGAP, 17th January, Tallinn (EE)

- Contemporary Voices on Individuation. Online book presentation @ AIPA (Associazione Italiana Psicologia Analitica); 15th January, Milan (IT)


- Questions on Individuation in the current time / Individuation and Polyamory. Webinar for THIASOS, oficina de imaginação compartilhada;13rd December, Rio de Janeiro (BR)

- Detecting unconscious possibilities. Webinar for the conference “Working with Difficult Patients”; 23rd November, Moscow (RU)

- Symbolic understanding: new beginnings. Two days seminar for the FEGAP Jungian training; 21st-22nd September, Tallinn (EE)

- The Labyrinth of Possibility. Lecture for the Embassy of the Free Mind; 7th June, Amsterdam (NL)

- Individuation processes: a necessary plural. Webinar for the ARPA (Associazione Ricerca Psicologia Analitica); 13th April, Milan (IT)


- The Labyrinth of Possibility. Workshop for the NAAP (Netherlands Association for Analytical Psychology); 7th October, Hilversum (NL)

- Porn: colours of a contempory phenomenon. Book Corner @ CIPA (Centro Italiano Psicologia Analitica); 12th July, Milan (IT)

- Porn: symbol of the present time. Webinar for the AIPA (Associazione Italiana Psicologia Analitica); 15th April, Milan (IT)


- A kaleidoscope on porn. Webinar for the ARPA (Associazione per la Ricerca in Psicologia Analitica); 8th October, Turin (IT)

- Individuation through Betrayal. Webinar for the UJA (Ukrainian Jungian Association); 24th May, Ukraine


- The Trauma of Theory: How Theoretical and Personal Biases of the Analyst can Affect the Therapeutic Process. Webinar at the 21st International Jungian Conference “Inner World of Collective Trauma”, AAPR (Association of Analytical Psychologists of Russia); 22nd-23rd May, St. Petersburg (RU)

-Porn as a Door to the Contemporary World: an Introduction. Webinar for THIASOS, oficina de imaginação compartilhada; 1st May, Rio de Janeiro (BR)


- Possible and Impossible in Analysis. Webinar at the conference “Psychology today: directions, methods, personalities”, VAAP (Volga Association for Analytical Psychology); 26th-28th June, Saratov (RU)


- The Kaleidoscope of Porn. Seminar for the USAP (Ukrainian Society for Analytical Psychology); 26th October, Kyiv (UA)

- The Couple Relationship as a Symptom, and the Hetairos/Hetaira Attitude. Seminar for the GAAP (Georgian Association for Analytical Psychology); 2nd-5th October, Tbilisi (GE)

- An Introduction to Synchronicity. Seminar for the EJS Jungian training (Estonian C.G. Jung Society); 20th September, Pyhajärve (EE)

- Inklings of Possibilities: Prospective Dreams in Analysis. Two lectures at the conference “Dream trails”, VAAP (Volga Association for Analytical Psychology); 8th-9th June, Saratov (RU)

The Kaleidoscope of Porn. Seminar for the Belarus Jungian Developing and Routers Group; 25th-26th May, Minsk (BY)

The Couple Relationship as a Symptom. Individuative and anti-individuative forces in the relational field. Lecture at the 19th International Conference of Jungian Analysis, RSAP (Russian Society for Analytical Psychology); 25th-27th January, St. Petersburg (RU)


Betrayal and Individuation. Clinical seminar for the UAPP (Ukrainian Association of Psychology and Psychotherapy); 17th-18th November, Odessa (UA)

Porn as a door to the contemporary world. Seminar for the ESAP (Estonian Association for Analytical Psychology) and the FEGAP (Finnish -Estonian Group for Analytical Psychology); 9th November, Tallinn (EE)

Lost Goddesses: reflections on Porn. Seminar for the GAAP (Georgian Association for Analytical Psychology); 5th-6th October, Tbilisi (GE)

- Analytical training as part of the Individuation process. Lecture; 30th September, Samara (RU)

Porn as a door to the contemporary world. Talk at the 40th Anniversary Congress of the Nordic Association for Clinical Sexology (NACS); 20th-23rd September, Turku (FI)

Betrayal and Individuation. Seminar for the GAAP (Georgian Association for Analytical Psychology). 26th-27th May, Tbilisi (GE)

The Labyrinth of Possibility. Clinical seminar for the UAPP (Ukrainian Association of Psychology and Psychotherapy); 19th-20th May, Odessa (UA) 

The problem of Evil and C.G. Jung's "Answer to Job". Seminar for the EJS Jungian training (Estonian C.G. Jung Society); 13th May, Tallinn (EE)

- Inner changes, outer changes. Webinar at the the 18th International Conference of Jungian Analysis, RSAP (Russian Society for Analytical Psychology); 26th-28th January, St. Petersburg (RU) 


The Labyrinth of Possibility. Seminar for the GAAP (Georgian Association for Analytical Psychology). 10th-11th November, Tbilisi (GE)

- On the Functions of Dreams / Possibility in the Therapeutic Journey: Prospective Dreams. Lecture and workshop at the 15th Anniversary Conference of the Latvian Moreno Institute; 27th-29th October, Riga (LV)

Porn and Technology. Webinar: 22nd October, Moscow (RU)

Individuation of the Collective. The Possible Role of the Analyst in Questioning the Contemporary Dissociations. Lecture at the First Conference of the FEGAP (Finnish Estonian Group for Analytical Psychology), "Strangers to Ourselves"; 27th-30th July, Tallinn (EE)

- Meeting the Shadow in the Third Millennium. Lecture at the Tartu Psychodrama Institute's conference "Sociometry and Shadow"; 21st-23rd April, Tartu (EE)

The Individuation process in C.G. Jung's experience. Clinical seminar for the EJS Jungian training (Estonian C.G. Jung Society); 3rd-4th February, Tallinn (EE)

- Reflections on the Individuation of the Analyst. Lecture at the 17th International Conference of Jungian Analysis, RSAP (Russian Society for Analytical Psychology); 27th-29th January, St. Petersburg (RU) 


- The Labyrinth of Possibility. Lecture at the 2nd EADTM Conference (European Association Dance Movement Therapy); 9th-11th September, Milano (IT)

Strangers to Ourselves. Lecture for the EJS Summer Seminar (Estonian C.G. Jung Society); 28th-31st July, Mokko (EE)

- The Quest for Meaning after the End of Meaning / The Betrayal. Lectures at the Annual Conference of the USAP (Ukrainian Society for Analytical Psychology); 24th-26th June, Kyiv (UA)

The Labyrinth of Possibility. Lecture for the DSAP (Danish Society for Analytical Psychology); 20th May, Copenhagen (DK)

- What happens when the therapy is (or is not) effective: reflections on a therapeutic factor. Clinical seminar for the RSAP (Russian Society for Analytical Psychology); 26th March, St. Petersburg (RU)

Therapeutic factors in analysis / The Betrayal. Clinical seminars; 19th-20th March, Voronezh (RU)

The Collapsed Labyrinth: reflections on the contemporary no-limits world. Webinar; 12th March, Samara (RU)

- Individuation in Post-Modernity. Lecture at the 16th International Conference of Jungian Analysis, RSAP (Russian Society for Analytical Psychology); 29th-31st January, St. Petersburg (RU)


- Prospective Dreams in Analysis. Lecture for the Helsinki Jung Club; 25th November, Helsinki (FI)

Individuation Processes: a Necessary Plural. Lecture at the 3rd European Conference of the IAAP (International Association for Analytical Psychology); 27th-30th August, Trieste (IT)

No Entrance! What is psychology and how to access it. Lecture for the EJS Summer Seminar (Estonian C.G. Jung Society); 6th-9th August, Mokko (EE)

The Labyrinth of Possibility. Seminar for the Red Book Study Group held by Sonu Shamdasani; 6th June, London (UK)

- Betrayal and Trauma. Clinical Seminar for the RSAP (Russian Society for Analytical Psychology); 17th May, St. Petersburg (RU)

- The Labyrinth of Possibility: reflections on a therapeutic factor. Lecture at the 15th International Conference of Jungian Analysis, RSAP (Russian Society for Analytical Psychology); 30th January -1st February, St. Petersburg (RU)


- The Betrayal: a Jungian perspective on an unavoidable experience. Lecture for the Svenska C.G. Jung Stiffeltsen i Vännar Stockholm; 25th October, Stockholm (SE)

The Quest for Meaning after the End of Meaning. Lecture at the 2nd Conference of the ISPDI (International Society for Psychology as a Discipline of Interiority); 19th-21th July, Berlin (DE)

Dream Analysis. Lecture for the Etelä-Karjalan Psykoterapianseura; 8th April, Lappeenranta (FI)


Psychotherapy in an omnipotent society. Lecture for the Svenska C.G. Jung Stiffeltsen i Vännar Stockholm; 23rd November, Stockholm (SE)

2011 / 2012

Possible and Impossible in analysis. Lecture for the EJS Summer Seminar (Estonian C.G. Jung Society); 17th-18th March 2012, Tallinn (EE)

Jungilaisia Iltapäiviä (Jungian Afternoons). 10 open seminars on Jung's theory; 2011/2012, Helsinki and Tampere (FI)


The archetype of Possibility: traumas, stalemates, possible changes. Clinical seminar for the ASL 20 of Verona; 2nd April, Verona (IT)

- Analytical Psychology: an introduction to C.G. Jung's theory. Lecture for the University of Helsinki, Department of Behavioural Sciences; 1st March, Helsinki (FI)


 - The Labyrinth of Possibility: on changes in analysis. Clinical seminar for the MAAP (Moscow Association for Analytical Psychology); 27th-29th November, Moscow (RU)

- Possibility and Limit. Clinical seminar for the ARPA (Associazione per la Ricerca in Psicologia Analitica); 20th September, Torino (IT)

- Daídalon: the archetype of Possibility. Lecture at the 1st European Conference of the IAAP (International Association for Analytical Psychology); 25th-27th June, Vilnius (LT)